
Welcome to @zyxui, your go-to React UI components library for creating stunning, high-performance user interfaces effortlessly.

How to Use @zyxui Components

Let's kick things off with the powerful Button Component. Get ready to dive into the world of @zyxui with these simple steps:

Install via npm

Install @zyxui components into your project using the following command in your terminal:

Setup your theme

Copy and paste the following theme settings into your global CSS file. For Next.js, it should be global.css, and for React.js, it should be App.css:

Feel free to customize the variable values to match your desired color palette.

Set up TailwindCSS Config File

Locate the tailwind.config.js file in your project's root directory and meticulously apply the following adjustments:

Start using the components

You can now effortlessly import the desired @zyxui component and start integrating it into your project:

Explore Components